One more thing…

Back when Steve Jobs was CEO of Apple, he was famous for adding a “One more thing…” to his keynote addresses. Often, these were new products or services that took people completely by surprise, leading to the birth of a new industry: see if you could “predict” what Jobs was going to announce by tracking contracts for electronic components, or manufacturing and shipping contracts.

In the Year of the Pandemic 2020, Apple is reviving this tradition with One more thing, scheduled for Tuesday, November 10, at 10 a.m. Pacific Time. (Note to Apple publicists: just call it Pacific Time. Assume your recipients have electronics that can adjust automatically between Daylight Savings Time and Standard Time, and just call it: Pacific Time.)

Exactly what Apple will announce is not known at this time. However — everyone will be shocked, stunned, and amazed if Apple doesn’t introduce one or more computers based on their Apple Silicon processors, a break from the Intel processors they’ve been using since 2006.

Speculation is leaning toward the introduction of one or more laptops, as the low-power, low-heat processors would bring obvious benefits to battery-powered laptops. But a few of us, at least, would like to see an 🍎Si-powered Mac mini that would allow you to conduct low-cost evil software experiments with the new macOS 11, Big Sur.

Oh, yeah: Apple will probably announce the release of macOS 11 Big Sur.